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Applied Science BTEC

The AAQ (new BTEC) in Applied Science is a course covering all three sciences. It is more vocational in approach, and is ideal for students more adept at continuous assessment.

The course is equivalent in size to one A Level and is studied over two years. Students are able to achieve grades from Pass to Distinction* with a Distinction* being awarded a maximum of 56 UCAS Points (equivalent to an A* at A Level).

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board Pearson
Level Level 3
Qualification Extended Certificate
Assessment Method 50% external assessment, 50% internal assessment
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements

The Applied Science AAQ aims to give students a good general grounding in biology, chemistry and physics in order to support them to pursue further scientific studies or to access a scientific career. The course studies the principles and applications of biology, chemistry and physics, as well as practical scientific procedures and techniques, so there is a significant emphasis on practical work. The course aims to prepare students for the future world of work by incorporating personal transferable skills as well as digital and sustainability skills.

The Applied Science AAQ comprises four compulsory units (of which the first three are externally assessed):

  • Unit 1 – Principles and Applications of Biology
  • Unit 2 – Principles and Applications of Chemistry
  • Unit 3 – Principles and Applications of Physics
  • Unit 4 – Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques

Plus one of two optional units:

  • Unit 5 – Scientific Investigation Skills
  • Unit 6 – Contemporary Issues in Science

Students go on to study a huge variety of science and non-science related degrees at University. The most recent science based destinations of our Aquinas students were:

  • Paramedic science
  • Environmental science
  • Zoology
  • Biomedical science
  • Science/laboratory technician
  • Industrial technician
  • Nursing
  • Midwifery
  • Forensic science
  • Radiography
  • Food science
  • Sport and exercise science
  • YouGov research shows that 62% of large companies have recruited employees with vocational qualifications. What’s more, well over 100,000 vocational students apply to UK universities every year and the current vocational courses have been accepted by over 150 UK universities and higher education institutes for relevant degree programmes in combination with other vocational qualifications and/or A Levels.

    There will be opportunities over the course to hear from professionals about their jobs in the science sector and a focus placed on the skills achieved whilst studying Applied Science that students will be able to use in their future career(s).

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