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Environmental Science

This course provides an ideal base for employment, for example, ecology and wildlife conservation, land management, town planning, architecture, forestry, geology or climatology. Students could work for a charity like Greenpeace or work for a Wildlife Trust. There are also opportunities in environmental management and the growth industry of environmental sustainability.

Alternatively students could use their A Level in Environmental Science as the stepping stone for Higher Education in a wide range of courses, including degrees in Land Management, Wildlife Conservation, Geography, Geology, Marine Science, Climate Studies, Teaching or a degree in Environmental Science. This subject is a rigorous science A Level and therefore works best when it is taken alongside another science based subject e.g. Geography, Geology, BTEC Science , Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Maths. We also require our students to take Core Maths.

Compulsory field trip: (approx. £450)

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board AQA
Level Level 3
Qualification A Level
Assessment Method 80% examination, 20% non-examined assessment
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements

Year 1

  • The Physical Environment
  • The Living Environment
  • Research Methods; including a 4 day compulsory residential field work course. Bursary students may be given assistance towards costs (approx. £350)

Year 2

  • Energy Resources
  • Pollution
  • Biological Resources
  • Sustainability
  • Research Methods

How is the course assessed?

Two written examinations at the end of 2 years; each paper is 50% of the A Level. A combination of multiple choice and short answer questions, extended writing and essays.

Students will be expected to draw on knowledge and understanding of the entire course of study to show a deeper understanding of the interconnections between topics.

Coursework involves a compulsory 4 day residential field trip.

This course provides an ideal base for employment, for example, ecology and wildlife conservation, land management, town planning, architecture, forestry, geology or climatology. Students could work for a charity like Greenpeace or work for a Wildlife Trust. There are also opportunities in environmental management, education or law.

Alternatively students could use their A Level in Environmental Science as the stepping stone for Higher Education in a very wide variety of courses, including degrees in Geography, Geology, Marine Science, Climate Studies, planning and teaching or a degree in Environmental Science.

This course requires a compulsory residential trip. For more information about this trip please see the Trips and Travel page

Other trips may include Conservation workshops at Chester Zoo, Manchester Waste Recycling Facility and an urban farm in Liverpool.

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