Chaplaincy and Spiritual Life
St. Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican, was a great thinker and theologian. He is the patron saint of colleges and universities. Like most Dominicans he encouraged debate and questioning. Everyone asks big questions at times, for example ‘What is the meaning of life?’, ‘What do I believe?’ or ‘Is God real?’. Chaplaincy offers students and staff the opportunity to explore the Christian and Catholic faith, and to discover some of the answers to these questions. Aquinas College has a wonderful reputation for enabling both students and staff to “live life to the full” (John 10v10) and chaplaincy exists to help you do just that.
I have come that they may have life
And have it to the full
John 10:10

The Chapel is at the front of the building, next to the main entrance.
The Chaplaincy office is at the heart of the college, next to the canteen.
Please feel free to also get in touch by email: and follow us on twitter @AquinasChaplaincy.
Prayer and Eucharistic Celebration
We are blessed to be served by a team of local priests including Fr. Peter Sharrocks, Fr. Michael Gannon, Fr. Martin Onuoha, and Fr Pat. Munroe.
All staff, students and parents are invited to join us at our regular Eucharistic celebrations in our college chapel where staff and students come together to celebrate mass.
We have a daily ‘Morning Prayer & Reflection’ in the Chapel where all are welcome to spend some quiet time in the presence of the Blessed sacrament, before the start of their day, between 8.40-8.50am.
General RE classes also have a dedicated prayer time and regular visits to the Chapel to experience different ways of praying led by Laeticia Sibeh, our Lay Chaplain.