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3D Design: Architecture and Interior Design

A Level 3D Design: Architecture and Interior is a hub for unleashing your creativity and imagination in the world of Architecture and Interior Design. Our course is designed to not only cultivate your artistic abilities but also equip you with the necessary technical skills for the rapidly evolving Architecture industry.

Our course places a strong emphasis on 3D digital design, plan sketches, CGI images, and rendering, enabling you to create stunning visual representations of your architectural and interior concepts. You will have the opportunity to master industry-standard software and techniques, equipping you with the skills sought after by design firms and studios.

Scale modelling is another vital aspect of the projects that you will undertake. You will learn processes to help create precise, scaled-down replicas of architectural structures and interior spaces. You will have access to machinery, including laser cutting and 3D printing to aid the production of scale model designs. Through this hands-on experience, you will develop a keen eye for detail and gain a deeper understanding of spatial relationships and design principles.

Key Features

  • 3D Design: Architecture and Interior Design is an innovative course that encourages you to work creatively.
  • The course places a strong emphasis on 3D digital design, CGI images which is supplemented by 3D modelling within a workshop environment.
  • The course allows you to experience what it is like to work on real life design projects developing ideas for a range of projects and clients.
  • Throughout the course you will take ownership of your project work and learning which will help develop your skills to be an effective architectural and interior designer.
  • You will develop a Portfolio of work which is invaluable when applying for design courses in Higher Education and for taking to interview.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board AQA
Level Level 3
Qualification A Level
Assessment Method 100% Non-Examined Work
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Photograph of students architecture designs.

3D Design: Architecture and Interior is a design driven course in which you will create imaginative and personal work. You will find out about a whole range of media, techniques and processes. You will develop your creativity and independent thought, learn to express yourself visually and let your imagination flourish in a design studio environment. 3D Design: Architecture  is a great companion to all other subjects as creativity, imagination and problem solving skills are transferrable to your other subjects.

In the first year you will develop your knowledge, understanding, and skills to create a comprehensive design portfolio. Developing your confidence working with a range of CAD programmes alongside practical skills to compliment your design work in the workhop. This will be done through a series of exciting projects. You will learn to use 3D modelling software used in industry to communicate ideas which can be used to create models with 3D Printing and laser cutting machinery.

The second year of the A-level will comprise of 2 components. In component 1 you will develop work for a personal investigation into a chosen project, issue, or concept supported by written material. This will count for 60% of your total A-level marks. In component 2 you will produce personal work in response to one of eight exciting starting points which will count for 40% of your total A-level marks.

The intellectual rigour of the activities undertaken during the course will find relevance in many careers and means that it is welcomed by university, college admission tutors and employers.

3D Design: Architecture and Interior Design is relevant if you are seeking entry into careers such as: Architecture, CAD technician, Architectural renderer, Interior designer, Landscape architect, Industrial Design, Exhibition designer, 3D Design, Design consultant, Environmental designer, Set designer, Film and TV set design, Furniture Design, Product Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Design, Model maker, Product designer, Teacher, and Furniture designer.

3D Design: Architecture and Interior Design can be taken in combination with any other A Level subjects as it cuts across the subject boundaries between Arts and Sciences. Combinations that work well with 3D Design: Architecture and Interior include A Levels in Mathematics, Physics, Graphic Communication, Art, Craft and Design, Media Studies, Business Studies or Business Applied. These all provide a variety of career prospects.

Please note that you cannot take 3D Design: Product Design as well as this course

During the year we visit careers events such as the Design Your Future Exhibition for creative students run by UCAS with over 90 Universities in attendance. We also visit the end of year degree shows for major universities to support students with applications to both University degrees and for an Art Foundation Course.

Throughout the year Universities visit the subject to give both talks and workshops on related courses. Local businesses also give a career talks and advice these include various Fashion Designers and Buyers including Henri Lloyd Sportswear, Interior Designers and Architects from Alison Pike Partnerships and Jennings Design Associates.

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