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Applied Law BTEC

The BTEC Certificate and Extended Certificate in Applied Law allow students to study similar areas of English Law to those that are covered in the A-level course. However, the course is assessed through internally assigned coursework and controlled assessments that are externally marked. Undertaken within normal timetabled lessons, students use previously released materials to prepare for the assessments and are then asked to complete a controlled assessment. There is an internally assessed and controlled/externally assessed element in each year. It gains UCAS points which are of equal value to those given to A-levels and is therefore very useful to students applying for university places, apprenticeships or employment.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board EDEXCEL/Pearson
Level Level 3
Qualification Extended Certificate
Assessment Method Coursework and Controlled Assessments
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Photograph of an applied law student

The course covers a wide variety of legal topics, broken into four units. The units are assessed in the ways outlined above. The unit and topics included on this course are:

  • Dispute Solving in Civil Law (including civil dispute resolution; enforcement of civil law; how judicial precedent works; and the application of the law of negligence). This is an externally assessed unit.
  • Investigating Aspects of Criminal Law and the Legal System (including exploring how statutory rules are made and interpreted; how legislation is made outside of Parliament; legal personnel involved in a criminal trial; and key elements of crime and sentencing for non-fatal offences). This is an internally assessed unit.
  • Applying the Law (including the law relating to homicide; the laws relating to corporate manslaughter; offences against property; general defences in criminal law; and police powers). This is an externally assessed unit.
  • Aspects of Family Law (including formation of marriage, civil partnerships and cohabitation; methods for dissolving a relationship; the distribution of money and property; and resolving disputes over children). This is an internally assessed unit.

All topics are taught in an applied way, to develop students’ capacities to offer legal advice and guidance in ways that echo the professional practice of Solicitors and other legal personnel. The course is partly designed by professional bodies aiming to develop requisite professional skills and knowledge for students interested in careers in Law.

Students go on to study a huge variety of law and non-law related degrees at university. Most students apply to study degrees at university but increasing numbers also apply for apprenticeships and employment. The course is particularly relevant to those who want to pursue legal careers but open to anyone who might find the course and subject matter interesting and helpful to future career plans.

Students have opportunities to visit:

  • Criminal and Civil Courts (In Manchester and London)
  • A variety of universities (‘a day in the life of a legal trainee’, taster days and open days)
  • The legal and financial districts of Manchester and London
  • Careers events
  • Mock interviews
  • Criminal and civil mooting opportunities

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