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Art, Craft and Design

Art at Aquinas is an exciting and challenging subject that encourages students to be creative and show a more personal understanding of Art, Craft and Design. The aim of this course is to promote a broad-based learning experience across a range of media exploring and developing ideas and themes to work towards final responses.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board AQA
Level Level 3
Qualification A Level
Assessment Method 100% Non-Examined Work
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Photograph of an Art and Design student working on an art project

Year 1 – Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

In the first year of the course students will develop the skills needed to successfully tackle year 2 work. They will gain experience of working in a variety of Art, Craft and Design media including Drawing; Printmaking; Mixed media; Painting; & Art based Textiles. Students will respond to a range of themes throughout the year.

Year 2 – Progression and Formal Assessment

Building on skills learnt in the first year through two assessed projects:

  • Component 1: Personal Investigation (60%)
  • Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (40%)

Students from the Art, Craft & Design course go on to higher study in a range of Art & Design courses at university, they can either apply for an Art and Design Foundation Course before applying to university or apply directly to university.

Possible Career Pathways:

  • 3D designer
  • Art gallery manager or director
  • Art therapist
  • Fashion designer
  • Fine artist
  • Furniture maker
  • Graphic designer
  • Illustrator
  • Interior designer
  • Multimedia artist
  • Printmaker
  • Set designer
  • Technician

Other potential opportunities include:

  • Architectural assistant
  • Arts administrator
  • Art critic
  • Conservator
  • Copywriter
  • Curator
  • Sign writer
  • Teacher
  • Visual effects artist
  • Animator

Throughout the course there will be visits to museums, art galleries and universities.

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Photograph of 3D Design students work

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Photograph of students working on a 3D design project

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Photograph of a book

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Photograph of a student working on a graphic design project


Photography at Aquinas is an exciting and challenging subject that encourages students to be creative and show a more personal understanding of Photography.

Photograph of a photography student taking a photograph outdoors.

Textile Design

Textile Design is an innovative course that uses new technology and encourages you to work creatively with a range of materials and techniques.

Photograph of a textiles student standing next to a dress she has made.
News & Blog

Latest From Aquinas

In February, 29 students and 4 staff went on a trip of a lifetime to Mumbai to work with the children at the Prem Dan Garden school and also the girls hostel. This was the 20th trip, which made it extra special.

Photograph of pupils and Aquinas students in a class room and Premdan

Before the half term break, A level German students took part in an exchange trip to Lübeck, where they attended the Katharineum school. Being fully immersed in the language provided them with a valuable opportunity to enhance their listening skills.

Photograph of German students outside the Holstentor (city gate) in Luebeck

Politics students recently visited a snowy Washington DC is support of their US Government and Politics studies. Perhaps the highlight of the trip was a visit to the New York Times’ Washington Bureau to meet with two of their senior journalists, Special Correspondent Elisabeth Bumiller and White House Correspondent, Zolan Kanno-Youngs.

Group photograph of students visiting the New York times

This week the Head of Theology was invited into St Thomas More, Denton, to deliver a Theology A-Level taster session to their year 10 and year 11 pupils. The pupils studied miracles, and looked at different religious and non-religious definitions of a miracle. The St Thomas More pupils were polite, inquisitive and offered some very […]

Photograph of an Aquinas teacher giving a Theology talk at St Thomas Moore school.