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Applied Business

Learners will undertake a programme of assessments designed to assess not only their knowledge and understanding of business, but also the way in which this knowledge and understanding can shape their practical skills in beginning to think and realise their own plans about business.

    Taking this course will provide the learner with the ability to:-

    • Develop a critical understanding of organisations and the market they serve.
    • Acquire a range of skills including decision making, problem solving and interpersonal skills.
    • Be aware of current structures of business and business practice in different sectors and environments.
    • Acquire transferable knowledge and skills for higher education, apprenticeships and employment.

    BTEC qualifications are graded at Distinction*, Distinction, Merit and Pass. In UCAS points, this is equivalent to A*, A, C and E.

    A student taking this subject should be hard working and conscientious and really enjoy producing coursework as well as being strong in exams.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board Pearson
Level Level 3
Qualification BTEC National Extended Certificate
Assessment Method Coursework and exams
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Photograph of an applied business student

Students will complete 4 units.

Unit 1 is internally assessed and provides an introduction to the purposes of different types of business, the impact of the external environment and how they need to be dynamic and innovative in order to survive. This unit is worth 25% of the final grade.

Unit 2 is externally assessed under supervised conditions. Students receive a research pack during Part A for 2 hours of preparation time and on the following day sit the Part B assessment for 3 hours. This assessment gives the students the chance to apply their understanding of Marketing to a given case study. This unit is worth 25% of the final grade.

Unit 3 is externally assessed. This is a traditional exam paper that focuses on Personal and Business Finance. Students will have to demonstrate their understanding of these topics as well as their ability to calculate, manipulate and analyse financial data. This unit is worth 33% of the final grade.
Unit 8 is internally assessed. This unit focuses on the recruitment and selection process. Students will explore how the recruitment process is carried out in a business of their choice, before having the opportunity to take part in selection interviews and review their performance.

Choosing to study Business can open the door to an exciting range of careers including Events Management, Business Management, International Business, Human Resources, Law, Accounting and Administration. The majority of business students at Aquinas go on to study for a business-related degree. We have former students studying Business at Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester and Nottingham and many other universities.
This could lead you onto an Apprenticeship or University Degree.

The core skills required to succeed in Business, such as written and oral communication, analysis of data and evaluative skills are essential in the workplace. This course helps to develop these core skills.

The department takes part in a variety of subject and unit related trips, as well as providing industry insight from a range of guest speakers. There is the opportunity to get involved in the widely recognised Young Enterprise Competition, which provides hands-on experience of running a small business.
There is also an optional trip to New York for students studying subjects within the business department. For more information about this trip please see the Trips and Travel page.

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