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Core Maths Certificate

Core Maths – Certificate in Mathematical Studies Level 3

The core maths qualification is for students who have passed GCSE Mathematics at grade 4 or above but have decided not to study A Level mathematics or statistics.

The qualification strengthens students’ existing skills and focuses on applying mathematics to solve problems relevant to everyday life. It is about students doing meaningful mathematical problems to increase their confidence in using mathematics to be better equipped for the mathematical demands of other courses, higher education and employment.

Core Maths builds on GCSE mathematics, with a sharper focus on problem-solving skills. Students will consider and tackle mathematics in meaningful contexts, including through financial applications and statistical ideas that can support work in other subjects. It helps to develop students’ mathematical skills and thinking and supports courses such as A-level Psychology, Biology, Geology, Economics, Environmental Science, Sports Science and Geography as well as technical and vocational qualifications.

The qualification is equivalent to an AS Level in terms of UCAS points and is increasingly welcomed by universities. Many roles in the workplace require high levels of budget management and problem-solving skills and Core Maths will be a useful tool in equipping you with these skills.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board OCR
Level Level 3
Qualification Certifcate
Assessment Method Examination
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements

The course is designed for students who require some mathematical literacy in their other subjects but do not wish to study an A level in mathematics or statistics. It is recognised by universities for courses which require a mathematics qualification beyond GCSE but do not require a full A level.

Core maths will be taught for two lessons per week over one year. At the end of the year, students will sit two written examinations, each 2 hours long. This will be additional to your three main subjects.

Many university courses will require a qualification in Mathematics. Typically Physics, Engineering and Chemistry but often Computer Science and Economics too. If students already have a firm idea of what they want to study at university, then it is a good idea to check entry requirements before making final subject choices.

The breadth of mathematical applications is immense. It underpins most of science, technology and engineering and is also important in areas as diverse as business, law, nutrition, sports science and psychology.

There are many opportunities to use mathematics to make a difference in society, for example through the analysis involved in medical research, developing new technology, modelling epidemics or in the study of patterns of criminal activity to identify trends.

We run several trips for students which may include:-

  • UKMT Senior Maths Challenge
  • Maths Inspiration Lecture
  • Maths Fest
  • Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Lecture
  • Making Maths at Manchester
  • Problem Solving Course
  • Trip abroad

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