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Extended Project

The Extended Project is a Level 3 qualification introduced in September 2008. It allows students to expand on a particular area of their study that they find interesting. The project is started in September of Lower Sixth and completed in April of Upper Sixth. Our Triple A students are actively encouraged to take up an EPQ in order to enhance their University applications.

The project usually consists of a 5,000 word report, however, an artefact or performance are alternatives.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board AQA
Level Level 3
Qualification Half an A Level
Assessment Method Internally Assessed Project with External Moderation
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Photograph of a student studying

The subject and content of the piece is highly flexible. Students who take this can extend upon a current programme of study, research a hobby, or link it to their chosen university course.

Students will have a weekly timetabled session with their supervisor. This will consist of some teaching of key skills such as referencing, researching and writing an extended report. There will also be time for one to one advice sessions on the student’s own project.

Students who take the Extended Project will sharpen their skills in research, planning, presentation and communication. These skills will better prepare them for the demands of university or employment. Completion of the project will appeal to university admissions tutors, making applications stand out from the crowd.

Grades for Extended Projects are worth UCAS points equalling:

  • A* – 28 Points
  • A – 24 Points
  • B – 20 Points
  • C – 16 Points
  • D – 12 Points
  • E – 8 Points

Many universities take the Extended Project into account when offering places and some will give reduced offers in the other A level grades, alongside an A or B in the Extended Project

The EPQ is particularly useful for those students applying for competitive courses such as Medicine and Law. It allows students to demonstrate independent study skills which are much in demand. Students will also be able to study an area linking to the career area that they wish to follow.

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Photograph of pupils and Aquinas students in a class room and Premdan

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