Film Studies
The WJEC Eduqas specification is designed to introduce A level learners to a wide variety of films in order to broaden their knowledge and understanding of film and the range of responses films can generate.
This specification therefore offers opportunities to study mainstream and independent American and British films from the past and the present as well as more recent global films, both non-English language and English language.

Component 1 – American and British Film.
Includes study of Classical Hollywood, Hollywood since the 60’s, Contemporary American Independent Film and British Cinema.
Component 2 – Varieties of Film.
The study of a specific film movement, Documentary Film, Short Film and Global cinema.
Component 3 – Production.
The production of an individual short film of 5 minutes duration; an opportunity to use the theory studied in class in a creative, practical way using the college’s film making and editing equipment. This process is carefully monitored and guided by the Subject Teachers and our Media technicians. The coursework also includes an evaluative analysis of 1800 words reflecting on the creative process.
A qualification in Film Studies can be a valuable asset in gaining experience in a job market which continues to expand. The British Film Industry remains one of our most profitable sectors and the continuing development of the B.B.C and the general boom in production companies in both Manchester and the North West provides a huge opportunity for young motivated film makers and creatives.
The Film Studies course embeds high level practical skills with complex, academic theory to offer a holistic Film based learning experience. The high number of Aquinas Film students who progress into industry and degree level Film study are evidence of the opportunities opened up by this course of study.
There is a departmental trip to New York in second year. For more information about this trip please see the Trips and Travel page
Visit to ‘Home’ for screening and study day. Central Library research day. Film screening visits linked to course.