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Mathematics GCSE

This compulsory course is suitable for those students who have previously gained grade 2 or 3 in GCSE Mathematics and who would like to achieve a grade 4 or 5. Please note that anyone who has achieved a grade 2 or 3 in GCSE Mathematics is automatically enrolled onto this course. Students will have the opportunity of taking the GCSE Foundation Exam in November and if required, the following summer.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board OCR
Level Level 2
Qualification GCSE
Assessment Method 100% Exam (Calculator and Non-Calculator)
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Photograph of a student holding a calculator

Starting in September students will study for 5 periods per week during an intensive 8 week course up to the first re-sit opportunity in early November. During this period a lot of content is covered and students will be expected to start revising within the first couple of weeks. After the November exams students will start a more extensive course, again for 5 periods per week, that will then run through to May.

Once exam results are available in early January those students who have achieved a grade 4 or 5 will be allowed to leave the course, while those students who do not achieve this grade continue and take a further re-sit in June. All content covered during the year will be similar to that students have studied in previous years at Secondary School, but a particular focus is placed on making minimal mistakes and picking up understanding of topics that students have found difficult in the past.

Topics covered are divided up into four sections:

  • Algebra
  • Shape, Space and Measure
  • Number
  • Data Handling

Mathematics is a core subject and as such is necessary for any student considering applying for an academic course at university. Maths is valued by employers with skills in numeracy and problem solving being highly sought after.

News & Blog

Latest From Aquinas

In February, 29 students and 4 staff went on a trip of a lifetime to Mumbai to work with the children at the Prem Dan Garden school and also the girls hostel. This was the 20th trip, which made it extra special.

Photograph of pupils and Aquinas students in a class room and Premdan

Before the half term break, A level German students took part in an exchange trip to Lübeck, where they attended the Katharineum school. Being fully immersed in the language provided them with a valuable opportunity to enhance their listening skills.

Photograph of German students outside the Holstentor (city gate) in Luebeck

Politics students recently visited a snowy Washington DC is support of their US Government and Politics studies. Perhaps the highlight of the trip was a visit to the New York Times’ Washington Bureau to meet with two of their senior journalists, Special Correspondent Elisabeth Bumiller and White House Correspondent, Zolan Kanno-Youngs.

Group photograph of students visiting the New York times

This week the Head of Theology was invited into St Thomas More, Denton, to deliver a Theology A-Level taster session to their year 10 and year 11 pupils. The pupils studied miracles, and looked at different religious and non-religious definitions of a miracle. The St Thomas More pupils were polite, inquisitive and offered some very […]

Photograph of an Aquinas teacher giving a Theology talk at St Thomas Moore school.