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Music BTEC

This qualification equips students with the professional skills needed to go to work or further study in music performance and the wider music industry. The course is 100% practical and all work is assessed internally by the course teachers. 

The course aims to develop a well-rounded music professional.  You will improve your technical and performance expertise, develop production skills on a D.A.W. and build vital knowledge to take charge of your career. You will spend lessons engaged in rehearsal and performance work, supported by production lessons; exploring a wide range of repertoire from the 1950s to the present. You will develop composition skills and you will perform & produce original music as well as cover versions. There is a specific unit to help you plan your career in the music industry. You will stretch your imagination, and develop group skills, self-confidence, self-reliance and organisation skills. Studying Music performance will give you the ability to continue to improve as a performer and gain an understanding of this ever-growing industry.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board Pearson
Level Level 3
Qualification Foundation Diploma
Assessment Method 100% Internally Assessed Coursework
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Photograph of a student playing the drums

During the two years, you will study four different units designed to allow development in every area of modern music-making.

  • Performing as an ensemble
  • Creating musical material
  • Using musical Styles
  • Planning a career in the industry

The course is ideal for those who love to play their instrument or sing. A high proportion of our students go on to study music at University. Past students attend some of the most prestigious institutions in the UK, including: Royal Northern College of Music; Leeds College of Music; BIMM, Salford University. Students have also left us and forged successful professional performance careers without further study.

We regularly welcome professional music performers and practitioners to college to deliver workshops and masterclasses. Students will have the opportunity to observe open rehearsals by visiting professionals and become involved in college events and performances. The course culminates in a full-scale public gig in which every student performs.

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