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Music Technology

Music Technology A- Level supports and develops skills in Music Production and Recording. In addition, students are challenged to listen critically to music and analyse how the appropriate use of technology enhances the mood and emotion created by recorded music.

The course offers students the use of industry standard resources including a computer suite with 20 PCs running Cubase 12. A professionally designed recording studio is used throughout the year for coursework and personal projects.

A Level Music Technology is an ideal course for any student who enjoys recording, sequencing and composing music. Students will analyse the impact that technology has had throughout the history of Popular, Jazz and Film music.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board EDEXCEL
Level Level 3
Qualification A Level
Assessment Method 30% Performance 30% Composition 40% Exam
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Photograph of a Music Technology student operating a mixer

Below is an example of student work. Students were asked to compose to film using sounds they had created from scratch using synthesis techniques.

Component 1: Recording (20%)

Students will capture, edit and mix one recording, chosen from a list of 10 songs. There will be 5 compulsory instruments to record and 2 optional instruments.

Component 2: Technology-based composition (20%)

Students will choose one brief from three set briefs and compose a technology-based composition. Synthesis and sampling/audio manipulation and creative effects use must be included.

Component 3: Listening and analysing written exam (25%)

Students will answer questions that require knowledge and understanding of recording and production techniques and principles, in the context of a series of unfamiliar commercial recordings supplied by the board.

Component 4: Producing and analysing written and practical exam. (35%)

Students will answer questions and perform production tasks that require knowledge and understanding of editing, mixing and production techniques.

There are a number of opportunities in the music production industry, one of the UK’s biggest exports. This is also a valuable qualification as it develops employability traits including time management, interpersonal skills and independent learning. Numeracy and literacy are heavily embedded within the course in addition to the use of ICT.

A high proportion of our students go on to study Music Production, Popular Music and Recording and Acoustics at some of the best HE institutions related to the subject such as; Point Blank Music School, SSR, Futureworks, and Royal Northern College of Music. Related careers; Music Producer, Composer, Sound designer, Sound/Broadcast Engineer, Technician and Acoustician.

There is an optional trip to London for all students studying subjects within the Performing Arts department. For more information about this trip please see the Trips and Travel page

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