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Music Technology

Music Technology A- Level supports and develops skills in Music Production and Recording. In addition, students are challenged to listen critically to music and analyse how the appropriate use of[...]

Photograph of a Music Technology student operating a mixer


Music A Level supports students in forming personal and meaningful relationships with music through the development of musical knowledge, understanding and skills including performing, composing and appraising.

Photograph of a music student playing the piano

Media Studies

Students who take A Level Media Studies find that they are challenged in different ways to other subjects. We study areas of representation including gender, sexuality, age and ethnicity in[...]

Photograph of a media student holding a handheld rig


This course is for those who enjoy the challenges of mathematics and want an A level which is highly thought of by both employers and universities.

Photograph of an A level maths student.


The A-level Law course covers a variety of interesting topics. The course takes you from how laws are made, the people who work in the legal system, the criminal law,[...]

Photograph of an A level Law student


A level history is a fascinating and engaging subject for those who are intrigued by the past and want to discover how events have impacted the world in which we live[...]

Photograph of a student studying History

Graphic Design

Graphic Design is a fast paced, successful linear Art & Design course where students will be introduced to a variety of design approaches whilst exploring a range of media, processes[...]

Photograph of a student working on a graphic design project


For students who enjoyed GCSE German and are keen to be able to communicate in better German.

Photograph of a student studying German


The WJEC-Eduqas A Level in Geology is a linear course with a final exam at the end of two years. It provides a comprehensive coverage of the knowledge and understanding[...]

Photograph of a student revising for a Geology exam


Geography has modules in physical and human geography. Students develop skills in mathematics, analysis and extended writing. Practical work within the specification is one of the attractions of Geography and[...]

Photograph of a student studying Geography next to a globe

Further Mathematics

This subject is for those who love maths and really want to take it further. It allows you to delve deeper into the subject in a more challenging way.

Student sitting at a desk holding a pen and smiling


It is increasingly important in a globalized society to be able to speak more than just one language. So if you enjoyed GCSE French and are keen to be able[...]

Photograph of a student studying French