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Exam Handbooks

“Careful preparation, revision and an understanding of what to expect when taking written exams, non examination or controlled assessments and mock exams are key to exam success.”

The information below has been produced to help students avoid any problems and achieve their best on exam days and in non examination or controlled assessments and synchronised assessments.

Student Exams Handbook – Written Exams

The Student Exams Handbook contains information about what to do if a student is running late or feeling unwell, what equipment they should bring, their conduct in an exam room, what constitutes as unauthorised equipment – eg MOBILE PHONES, WATCHES, AirPods, earphones or earbuds – results release dates and Post Results Services.

Regulatory information for students published by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) can also be found under the Exams Information tab on MyAquinas, this is updated annually and should be read in conjunction with the Student Exams Handbook. These documents have been written to ensure that students understand examination regulations.

Information for Students – Synchronised Assessments

Synchronised Assessments should be seen as good practice and are an important part of preparation towards final exams in the Spring and Summer months. These are conducted under the same conditions as external exams so students know what to expect.

The Information for Students – Synchronised Assessments document below contains guidance about what to do if a student is running late or feeling unwell, what equipment they should bring, their conduct in an assessment room, and what constitutes as unauthorised equipment – eg MOBILE PHONES, WATCHES, AirPods, earphones or earbuds

Student Exams Handbooks – Non Examination Assessments & Coursework/Controlled Assessments

Some courses delivered in College contain a Non Examination or Coursework/Controlled Assessment unit, this measures subject specific knowledge and skills that cannot be tested by timed written examinations.

These handbooks include an overview of the stages of the assessment process and regulatory information published annually by the JCQ that tells students about the things that they can and cannot do when producing work for marking.

Students will receive more detailed information about these assessments and internally set deadlines for the submission of work from their subject tutor at the start of the course.

“Remember – failure to comply with exam rules and regulations will result in disqualification from an exam and possibly ALL exams”